Wild Earth 14, no. 3/4
activism, bees, conservation, dams, environmentalism, trees, rivers, roads, wildernessAbstract
Butler, Tom, ed., Wild Earth 14, no. 3/4 (Fall/Winter 2004/05). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library. http://www.environmentandsociety.org/node/6110.
The final issue of Wild Earth includes:
- The End of an Era: Our River of Words for Wild Nature Has Run its Course by The Editors
- What Have We Learned about Connectivity? by Reed F. Noss
- Crossing Open Space: Can We Save the Last of the Great Long-Distance Migrations? by Joel Berger
- Nectar Trails: Migratory Pollinators Follow the North-Going Blooms by Gary Paul Nabhan
- Rewilding Patagonia by Susan Walker, Andres Novaro, and co-authors
- Water over Dams: Reconnecting American Rivers through Dam Removal by Elizabeth Grossman
- Case Studies in Connectivity: Roads and Wildlife
"We realize that this is a dramatic turn of events—and the end of an era. And we imagine that you’ll agree with us: the closing of Wild Earth will leave a void in the global conversation on conservation. We hope that in future years there will be a rebirth of the journal or other effort made to meet its editorial mission. In any case, we are proud of the ways it has helped to forward the success of North American conservation over the last 14 years. We see the journal’s vision living on through the land protection successes the Wildlands Project is now having—and through the many other efforts and organizations that are saving wild places."
— The Editors
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