Wild Earth 14, no. 1/2
Butler, Tom, ed., Wild Earth 14, no. 1/2 (Spring/Summer 2004). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library. http://www.environmentandsociety.org/node/6108.
This issue includes:
- The Science of Wonder: Natural History in the Balance by Thomas Eisner, and Mary M. Woodsen
- Intelligence Lost: Pitfall of a Tamed Planet by Matthew Orr
- Wolf Viability in the Northeastern U.S. and Southeastern Canada by Carlos Carroll
- Roderick Frazier Nash interviewed by Andrew Wingfield
- A Proposed Wildlands Network for Carnivore Conservation in the Rocky Mountains
by Carlos Carroll, Reed F. Noss, and Paul C. Paquet - Utopian Bubbles: What are Central America’s Parks For? by Archie Carr III
- Biodiversity Management on the National Forests: The End of Counting Critters? by Jamey Fidel
- Mergers, Acquisitions, Diversifications, Restructurings, and/or Die-Offs in the Conservation Movement
by Andy Kerr - Fertility Decline No Mystery by Virginia Deane Abernethy
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