Earth First! 27, no. 5


  • E-Mag
  • Josh
  • Sophia
  • Star


activism, journalism, conservation, dams, deforestation, environmentalism, nonviolent resistance, political ecology, protests, wilderness


E-Mag, Josh, Sophia, and Star, eds., Earth First! 27, no. 5 (1 July 2007). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library.

  • Adventures with King Coal
    EF!ers Navigate the Tennessee Legal System
  • Operation Backfire Defendants Sentenced
  • Operation Achilles
    British Police Bite a SHAC’s Heels
  • Extreme Confusion
    Why Do Civil Rights Watchdog Groups Care About the Earth Liberation Front?
  • Saying Goodbye to NO COMPROMISE
  • 2007 Countdown, 2010 Shutdown
    No Olympics on Stolen Land!
  • Secession: The True Bioregional Way
  • Defending New York City’s Community Gardens
  • Fun with Diesel Engines
  • Unsustainable Activism
    Or, Activism Can Eat You
  • Wall Street Is Baking on New Coal
  • Climate Change as Commodity
    The G8 and the Environment
  • Tourist or Terrorist?
    Security Culture for the International Traveler
  • Walk With the Heart of a Warrior
    A Response to Peter Young’s “Federal Prison 101”
  • A Powerful Understanding of Water
    A Review of Dam Nation
  • Chopaholic
    A Review of the Tree-Sitter
  • Flying Out of Control
    The UK’s Plane Stupid Campaign 

Do you wake up in the morning feeling ashamed of your privileges, responsible for the misdeeds of your predecessors, guilty for each unit of your consumption and sorry for your incarnation in a toxic and disposable “First-World” society? […] Make no mistake about it, activism can eat us alive, but only if we feed ourselves to it willingly … which is what we do. 

— Dr. Hyena

The Rachel Carson Center’s Environment & Society Portal makes archival materials openly accessible for purposes of research and education. Views expressed in these materials do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Rachel Carson Center or its partners.

Earth First! 27, no. 5




