Earth First! 11, no. 6
activism, anarchism, conservation, endangered species, nonviolent resistance, political ecology, resistance, wildernessAbstract
Nearing, Mary Beth, Jeff Juel, Geoff Cunfer, Carla Neasel, Randall Restless, and Tracy Stone-Manning, eds. Earth First! 11, no. 6 (21 June 1991).Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library.
In this issue of Earth First! Judi Bari gives an update on the lawsuit against Earth First! activists Darryl Cherney and George Shook for the crime of “sitting in a redwood tree.” Also, Kelpie Willsin discusses useful gadgets for monkey wrenching and Maria Riley gives a voice to the women within the Earth First! movement.
"And, I’m angry at the continued and condoned misogyny that permeates all aspects of our lives, including the Earth First! movement."
—Maria Riley
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