Earth First! 6, no. 8


  • Dave Foreman


activism, agriculture, anti-nuclear movement, journalism, conservation, deforestation, political ecology, resistance, sustainability, wilderness


Foreman, Dave, et al., eds., Earth First! 6, no. 8 (23 September 1986). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library.

This issue of Earth First! is filled with essays regarding various themes such as sustainable agriculture, nuclear disarmament, and Deep Ecology. Hiroshima Svendsen gives an update from the campaign against the Forest Service’s oil and gas leasing policies in Wyoming, George Wuerthner discusses the presence of wolfs in North America, and Reed Noss sheds light onto wilderness recovery.     

"What? Wilderness recovery? Shouldn’t we worry about saving untouched wilderness before we enter into the complicated business of restoring damaged ecosystems? After all, those damaged ecosystems will be there a long time, but pristine wilderness areas must be saved now, before they too succumb to human profligacy and greed. But where are those pristine wilderness areas? […] Look at any map or satellite photograph, sample the air and water, and you will find ecosystemic disease."

— Reed Noss

The Rachel Carson Center’s Environment & Society Portal makes archival materials openly accessible for purposes of research and education. Views expressed in these materials do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Rachel Carson Center or its partners.

Earth First! Fist, Volume Six





